OAFF2024 Spotlight
Japan Premiere
A lonely young girl named Jiajia enters the night in search of her mother and stumbles upon the woman’s job in an adult entertainment club. Framing events from the point of view of a child, director LIN powerfully describes the fragile bond between a daughter and a mother in a world that is mostly cold and disinterested in them. [Jason MAHER]
March 2, 10:00
Nakanoshima Museum of Art Osaka 1F Hall
March 7, 13:00
Nakanoshima Museum of Art Osaka 1F Hall
Director: LIN Yaxing [林亜星]
ZHAO Ziqi (趙梓淇)
CAI Xueqing (蔡雪晴)
2023 | USA, China | 16min. | Language: Chinese | Subtitles: Japanese, English