OAFF2024 Special Program Taiwan: Movies on the Move 2024

Right Jabs
International Premiere
Zhe is the odd one out amongst his fellow real estate agents as he doesn’t participate in the song and dance routines designed to project positivity to fellow workers and potential house buyers. Instead, feeling suffocated by the happy vibe, he retreats to an empty and shadowy home he seeks to shift but struggles to sell and calls for an escort. His empty gaze soon falls upon a beautiful woman with an “innocent and naive” demeanour and the two use the house to act out a fantasy of an ideal home life, a poignancy emerging from their playfulness when contrasted with their reality.
March 2, 17:00
Nakanoshima Museum of Art Osaka 1F Hall
March 6, 10:30
Nakanoshima Museum of Art Osaka 1F Hall
Director: WU Zi-En [吳季恩]
Tony Stone (楊傑宇)
HUANG Wei (⿈惟)
2023 | Taiwan | 23 min. | Language: Mandarin | Subtitles: Japanese, English