第20回大阪アジアン映画祭 Osaka Asian Film Festival 2025
第20回大阪アジアン映画祭 Osaka Asian Film Festival 2025
Rooftop Lempicka
Lempicka Trên Mái Nhà
アジア初上映 Asian Premiere
Thi is a precocious ten-year-old girl whose world begins to expand through glimpsing new aspects of womanhood. It tentatively begins with her possession of a book containing nude paintings by the Polish artist Tamara de Lempicka, and deepens through her brief friendship with Ngoc, a bar girl at a dance club who is a new lodger in the family home. Sensuous and often dressed sexily and seen with men, she offers a different type of female persona from Thi’s doting and conservative mother.

A universal coming-of-age story becomes unique through how delicately depicted Thi’s explorations are while the brief sights and sounds of Ho Chi Minh city breathe considerable life into the atmosphere.


16:00 on March 15, Saturday at Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall

12:10 on March 16, Sunday at Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall


NGUYEN Luong Hang


LAM Jury Quynh
NGO Phuong Thao
HOANG Tran Minh Duc
NGO Quang Tuan
NGO Nhan Duc Huy




min | Language:


| Subtitles:

Chinese, English

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