第20回大阪アジアン映画祭 Osaka Asian Film Festival 2025
第20回大阪アジアン映画祭 Osaka Asian Film Festival 2025
Breezy Day
海外初上映 International Premiere
It is a gloriously sunny day for the wedding day of Zhang’s son and Sean’s dad. In a fateful encounter, Zhang bumps into Sean outside the venue as they are both gripped by hesitation over attending the wedding reception. They immediately sense each other’s disquiet over the oncoming event and take time out together. As they contemplate what holds them back, the ties of love that bind two pairs of fathers and sons and the women absent from their lives come to light.


10:10 on March 15, Saturday at Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall

14:10 on March 16, Sunday at Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall


CHIANG Chung-chieh


YU An-shun [游安順]
Ethan LUO [羅茂銓]
Roy CHANG [張洛偍]
Kevin YANG [楊宗昇]




min | Language:

Chinese, Taiwanese

| Subtitles:

Japanese, English

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