Osaka Asian Film Festival 2024 Report 2 – March 2

13 Bombs
10:40 Cine Libre Umeda
Director Angga Dwimas Sasongko attended the post-screening meet & greet.

Brush of the God
13:40 Cine Libre Umeda
Director Murase Keizo and producer Sato Daisuke attended the post-screening meet & greet.

Fire on Water
18:10 Cine Libre Umeda
Director Sun-J Perumal and A. Samad Hassan (Post-production Supervisor) attended the post-screening meet & greet.

The Winter of 1905 <Digital Remaster Version>
20:45 Cine Libre Umeda
Director Yu Wei-Cheng and Film Critic/Film Director Lau Shing Hon attended the post-screening meet & greet.

Short Film Program D
10:00 Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall
JongOk director Yoo Jimin and Sweet Lime director Fatema Abdoolcarim attended the post-screening meet & greet.

Short Film Program C
12:00 Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall
Suton director Watanabe Rikako, cast members Sakamoto Chie and Honma Atsushi and The Horse director Lan Yi-Tzu attended the post-screening meet & greet.

Symposium – Rickshaw Painting as a Form of Street Art
14:30 Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall
Panelists Amitabh Reza Chowdhury, Rickshaw Girl Director and Md Assaduzzaman, Rickshaw Girl Producer talked about the film and the Rickshaw Painting in the symposium, moderated/interpreted by Minamide Kazuyo, Associate Professor of Kobe College.

Short Film Program B
17:00 Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 1F Hall
On a Boat director Heso, production manager Zhang Tong, and cinematographer Daniel Lazoff attended the post-screening meet & greet.